Friday, October 26, 2007

Sklar Brothers, 9th Annual Young Comedians Special, etc.

Another ace interview from Jesse Thorn at The Sound of Young America recently- this one with comedians and identical twins The Sklar Brothers. Twin comedians that perform together sounds cheesy, but it actually works. Their timing, probably perfected through decades of being around each other a lot, is really tight. This makes it easy to go from one idea to next and gives them the freedom, "to illustrate the point we are trying to make...we'll break into a sketch".

They start out with how they first got into comedy and their story seems to be a typical one for successful comedians: from a young age they always loved seeing comedy on TV and they knew that was what they wanted to do. They mention Rodney Dangerfield's Young Comedian Special, which got me thinking...

When my dad bought a DVD/VHS recorder a few years ago, I pillaged his closet of VHS tapes and discovered that he was a big fan of standup. I never knew this, and watching the tapes was a revelation. A lot of it was HBO specials and the tapes would include incredibly awesome 80s graphics promos for boxing and the like. He had Richard Pryor's "Live on Sunset Strip" and at the time I couldn't find this anywhere else.

Another of the tapes had "Rodney Dangerfield's Ninth Annual Young Comedians Special" and I converted this one to DVD as well. I was going to put some clips of the show up on Youtube, but it turns out someone beat me to it.

Here's the opening in which each comedian introduces themselves as they walk through the front door, delivering as bland a one-liner as the next. This segues perfectly into a creepy "sketch" by Dangerfield and the show begins.

It's worth mentioning that this was the 80s and it seems that ANYTHING was getting a laugh then. Most of those opening lines are incredibly generic, but they all get laughs. Sam Kinison (yes, a great comic) probably didn't need to speak any English, just yell. True, it's TV and the audience was probably told to laugh, or maybe they didn't even laugh and the track was just added in later...ok, so it's possible that the audience didn't even see these clips and it was totally fabricated, which is even worse because that means the producers thought that this would work.

And then this guy goes up:

Bob Nelson. By the way, this clip was posted on Youtube a second time under the title "Funniest standup act EVER!" and it's been viewed over 78,000 times.

Most of the night is a snore, but it's fun to watch Rodney's introductions bomb. I'm not sure if the comedians themselves wrote the introductions as Bill Hicks had to when he was a part of the special, as recounted in his biography American Scream:

The line he and Farneti had settled on was, "I'd like to say this next guy is ahead of his time, but his parents haven't met yet." Not John's favorite, but Bill liked it. The first night of taping, he tried it out on Dangerfield.

"Not funny enough," Dangerfield said.
"No, that's funny," Bill replied. "Try it."

If Rodney was startled by at a no-name twenty-six-year-old challenging him, he went ahead and tried Bill's line on the first audience. Surprisingly, it got a good laugh. The next day, before the second taping, Bill walked by Rodney's dressing room. "Hey Bill," Dangerfield called. "That line, it's really funny. What the fuck do I know?"

Overall it's fun time and very cool of Rodney to help out the young folks. You don't see it often anymore, which makes the Comedians of Comedy tour great because now they're bringing up lesser-known acts that they like. Maybe more on that tomorrow next week!

1 comment:

梁爵 said...

2020.08.09不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因我很慶我幸身為一個女人。也很慶幸我是一個打扮起來還不差的女人。十八歲生日沒有狂歡沒有慶祝。酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容在網路上找了間經紀公司,當天下午就開始上班。我在酒店上班的日子年輕的肉體再加上尚未染上風塵的氣質,很快我成了店裡的紅牌。下午茶玩的是什麼? 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店晚上營業,下午時段店家場地借給午茶,就是在那樣的小包廂裡,一個客人一個小姐,大約五十分鐘的時間,就看小姐怎麼讓客人在這短短的時間小小的包廂裡喜歡上自己。酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?有客人喜歡,才會有指台,酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?才會有預約。中午十二點上班,晚上八、九點下班,換了衣服卸了妝,身邊沒有人發現我的工作特殊。一樣的一天八小時,每上一台我可以領個一千。或許吧!有的人覺得我出賣身體、出賣靈魂。但是我寧可出賣這些,也不想過像我的父母那樣的生活,那樣捉襟見肘的生活,那樣跟西家借錢還東家的生活,那樣無止盡為錢爭吵的生活,那樣要躲在家裡不出聲不開燈以免被發現的生活,那樣連感冒想去藥局買個成藥都要惦量惦量的生活。還記得工作第一個禮拜,我領了兩萬多的薪水。那些扣除林林總總後居然還有這樣多!這是我第一次拿著那麼多錢,我好想大聲地告訴我的父母,我會賺錢了,若是時光回溯,我是不是就可以幫上你們的忙了?大約過了兩三個月,一開始覺得「領好多錢」的感覺也沖淡了。開始審視自己要的是什麼?我想要有一個家,一個完完全全屬於我的家,一個不用因為繳不出房租被房東趕的家。於是我不再是那個滿足於一個禮拜領個三萬左右的女孩。