Life not going as you planned? The economy got you down? It's about time you relaxed and had some laughs. Luckily for you, there are a many good shows going on this week and we've got a wrap-up of the most notable ones. If you go to all of them, you can get a prize!*
TUESDAY: Comedy Central recording artist and astonishing two-man entertainment strike-force Pleaseeasaur returns to The Khyber (56 S. 2nd St). Local sketch groups Secret Pants and The Minor Prophets open. 8PM, $8.
Pleaseeasaur - "No Prob Limo"
New Secret Pants video: "St. Barnum's"
"Ministry of Secret Folks" from last month's show:
"Even though I have specifically told everyone NOT to bring any birthday presents or throw a birthday party for me at the Ministry," Doogie says, "it still may happen, so I have allowed time in the schedule for it as well."
THURSDAY: Center City Comedy: As we previously mentioned, Conrad Roth and Chris Cotton are hosting this new booked open mic at the Raven's Lounge (1718 Sansom St.). Set to perform: Joey Dougherty, Pat Barker, Tommy Papa, Brendan Kennedy, Aaron Hertzog, Josh Bennett, Dave Temple, Jonas, Monroe Martin, Jay Morgan, H. Foley, Omar Scruggs, Sydney Gantt, Mikel Carter-Jackson. That's a lot of comics for $0! 9:30-11:30PM
FRIDAY: Oh, so this is why The Comedians of Comedy broke up. Patton Oswalt is at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington. $27-$33, 8PM.
SATURDAY: You've got options: Bill Maher is at the Tower Theater, 8PM, $45-$75. Cory Kahaney is at Helium (2031 Sansom St.) with Jon Mumma and Kent Haines, 8 & 10:30PM. $25. And across the street is ComedySportz short-form improv at The Adrienne (2030 Sansom St.), 7:30 & 10PM, $15.
SUNDAY: Football.
* = There is no prize
I hear that there might be a surprise contestant in the omniana battle at fergie's this week...
Maybe Steve Gerben?
nope, not steve, this is a good surprise! ZING!
Someone's superhero character is going to be Steve Gerben?
2020.11.04酒店小姐的上班經驗與酒店上班技巧一般人誤以為當酒店工作公關酒量一定要很好,其實90%的客人是來應酬的(如招待廠商談生意)。並非找酒店打工小姐拼酒的,(況且酒錢也不便宜啊.酒店內販售的酒比外面貴不少)而是男生們把酒言歡時,【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】只要在旁當忠實的聽眾,當客人傾聽的對象,酒店兼差提供他們情緒出口的平台(如你在哪當兵的啊.男生最少屁2小時以上!!)而你只要打扮美美的.在旁附和就行,至於喝酒的機會 沒有想像的多 我們會教導如何閃酒(我們網站都有專文提到)或排換資深小姐來應付酒客桌,其實還是可以上酒客桌的,若以柔剋剛讓客人不灌妳酒,客人自己喝的盡興,而我們仍然可以全身而退(我們網站有專文提到)而打扮不外乎就是衣、髮、裝.我們合作的店家都有專屬化妝師和髮型師,至於服裝的問題,我們都會提供專業意見。若有治裝費的問題.我們有禮服店/便服店可以配合 省去治裝的煩惱。
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