Your host Dave Walk will be talking to Philadelphia comedians, playing not-funny songs and other great stuff, so make sure to set your internet dial to Gtown.com. Who will be in the studio this week?

Chip Chantry and...

Remember, that's 7-8PM TONIGHT, streaming Gtown.com.
Radio is the wave of the future! You should also start a deguerrotype studio, and serve hard candies to your guests.
Who's that smelly, flea-bitten old mutt sitting next to the dog?
Is there anyway that this can be listened to / downloaded after the fact? Or subscribed to through iTunes?
Cool! Will it be available for download after the stream? I'll be out.
Oh hey same time, same question
This is seriously cool, Dave. You're Philly's Jesse Thorne!
- Gregg
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