Omniana Battle: Doogie Horner vs. Dave Walk
After the brief discussion between Doogie Horner and Dave Walk that was posted yesterday, the two battled it out in the game of wits known as Omniana.
Because of a split decision in the studio, we are allowing listeners of the podcast to determine the winner. Feel free to comment in this post or e-mail comicvsaudience@gmail.com with your vote. The winner will receive intangible things such as "bragging rights" and perhaps even the respect of their peers.
The next episode of Doogie's live comedy show Ministry of Secret Jokes is on Wednesday, March 25th at Fergie's Pub (1214 Sansom) starting at 8PM. And on Friday and Saturday March 27th and 28th, Doogie will be performing with Chip Chantry in the Big Tabasco show at the Shubin Theatre.
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Listen to this episode (13:25):
I think doogie won this one.
While "you can't see smells" is one of the most airtight and hilarious arguments I've ever heard, I have to give this one to Doogles for the conviction with which he made his points.
Dave T
I concur. Mr. Horner FTW.
Have to agree with my fellow cvsa fans above...Doogie got this one.
Dave won this by a landslide.
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