In the Philadelphia comedy scene, some people perform because it's fun and others want to be famous. But there is only one comedian that specifically talks about his attempts at fame on stage. That would be 2008's Philly's Phunniest winner and Birmingham, Alabama native Kent Haines. Tonight his run of his monthly talk show "Why Am I Not Famous?!?", in which he would strive to become famous in a different way each month, comes to an end at The Actor's Center (257 North 3rd) at 8PM. We caught up with Kent over e-mail recently to talk about the show.
1. Why are you ending "Why Am I Not Famous?!?"
Well, I set out to become famous, and that has not happened. So I'm taking my ball and going home. You guys can just play tag if you want to hang out with each other so bad. The actual answer is that I am going to grad school starting in July and I won't have time to write the show anymore.
2. What is the main thing that you learned from doing this show over the past year?
I've found that often the best way to write something is to force an inescapable deadline on yourself. I started the show because I wanted to write a form of comedy other than stand-up, and I feel pretty happy with some of the things I've done as a result. If I didn't start from the beginning saying "Ok, it's a monthly show," I would have bailed on these ideas over and over. Every month I think about canceling the show, and then every month I have a super fun time. But now I am canceling the show. If there's a lesson in there, I'm missing it.
3. Do you think you've become any more famous because of the show?
Judging from the audience I pull each month, there is nothing that has helped my fame less. But with any luck it will become legendary over the years, like that first Velvet Underground show.
4. Last Sunday you brought the show in New York City. How did that go?
New York was really great! I had Max Silvestri and Lance Rubin on the show, both of whom are excellent comedians. A lot of old friends from high school and college came out to see it, which led to a weird iteration of the standard reunion. Less "let's hang out" and more "let's watch me!!!"
5. Do you have any favorite moments from the show? Favorite guests?
The best part of the show has been booking my friends, so basically all of my guests have been great (except Johnny Goodtimes, who I rebuke and shun forevermore). Some of my favorite moments were singing along with political candidate Eugene Grant (Kevin Scott), watching the Extraordinaires turn the whole crowd into diehard fans in two songs' time, and arguing with Aaron Hertzog. But those all sound boring if you didn't see them, so I'll add shoving a dildo through one of Doogie Horner's books.
6. Where does Kent Haines' career go from here? What will you do now to become famous?
I think I'm going to go the Sasha Grey route for the next couple years. "Oh my god, he bangs people and reads books! What an enigma!"
Although I only got to see it maybe a handful of times, this show was always a ton of fun. If you're reading this you should check it out.
Philadelphia will never be the same since Why Am I Not Famous drove a bulldozer through the comedic landscape, crushing flower beds and knocking down trees. Rest assured Kent—the swath of destruction you carved will take years to revert to nature.
Goodnight, sweet prince.
One time, Kent chased a dastardly hobo off my front lawn. I will be forever in his debt.
his answer to #2 is hilarious
2020.04.12新型冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19)當前,政府針對全台酒店工作、舞廳祭停業令,引發圈內人心惶惶,不少酒小姐、舞小姐頓失生計,下一步沒著落,生計即刻受到影響。《酒店上班網》獨家訪問酒小姐,現在小姐全放無薪假,不知道會持續到什麼時候,很多人也沒辦法做一般的工作,已經無路可走,「沒有人應該被這樣對待」,號召大家可以一起站出來,爭取自身權益。在林森北條通酒店打工的小姐「小遙」表示,事實上,酒店生意早就因為疫情影響,生意下滑,她自己酒店上班就被停班,如今政府下令停業,在圈內造成很大衝擊,因為是第一次發生,她做酒店3、4年,第一次看到店家全面停擺休息。她說,目前店家暫時說先關一個禮拜,連大學生/上班族酒店PT都要休息,很影響員工,小姐也都開始放無薪假,不知道會到什麼時候,嚴重影響到八大行業生計。很多小姐只靠這一行吃飯、養家活口,不少人是單親媽媽要養小孩,年紀比較大的小姐,出路就更令人擔憂。小遙說,小姐們的下一步都還沒有討論,還是先等待,畢竟才剛發生,只能順應店家改變營運方式,不然沒有其他工作可以做,有人想去找其他店工作,但全台都下令停業,每家店狀況應該都差不多,政府頒布政策,全部都關門了。她說,我們比較年輕,要去找其他工作比較容易,例如一般白天職場工作,她自己最近有找到一個打工,可是像其他有年紀一點的小姐,不知道還可以做什麼?還有些幹部類型已經吃定這行飯,幾乎職涯生活就是靠這行飯,勒令停業讓他們沒有路可以走。小遙指出,很多小姐經濟狀況沒辦法撐太久,圈子裡很多人在恐慌,店家突然停業、沒有工作,突然面臨要轉職,但小姐這個圈子要轉到一般職場很是辛苦,可能要花一段適應的時間,主要是工作內容差異,加上時間從本來晚上轉為白天,生理時鐘和心理因素都要調適,否則轉職就會遇到滿大的困難。她也說,會希望政府給予幫助,臉書粉絲專頁「酒與妹仔的日常」日前就發起連署活動,號召大家連署,請政府提出紓困方案,著重小姐勞動權益。她坦言,目前就是暫時這樣持續下去,希望小姐們在這一波站出來,爭取自己權益,連署或組成工會,否則無止盡下去,影響小姐生計,更有可能轉型成私底下性工作者,對疫情反而也不是好事,政府一味限制,卻沒有考量到這些可能情勢發展,八大行業不是限制停業就可以完全不營生,沒有一個行業應該這樣被對待。
我在酒店上班的日子一位專業的酒店經紀?在酒店什麼叫做專業的經紀人呢? 我的認定是:誠信與能力。專業的酒店經紀人要具備甚麼樣的條件呢?不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因
1、酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?把現在市場、文化全部做了解後,針對女孩們的需求和尺度做最貼切的規劃。 挑選適合的店家類型(制服店、禮服店、便服店、鋼琴酒吧)、 適當的酒店上班時段
3、酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?酒店應徵妹妹的外在包裝和酒店上班之後的生活問題。 衣服、髮型、化妝、住宿與交通安排。
4、我梁小尊會不斷的觀察和了解女孩們對這間店的試應度和收入。 女孩們的上檯的情況,是否有賺到錢、是否習慣? 如有不習慣立即做處置。
5、了解女孩們的酒店上班情形及給予照顧和保護。 酒店工作後的突發狀況、生病、臨時請假、休檔、下檔。
6、酒店薪資的處理和罰款的了解。 除了將店家的票換成現金之外,也要注意上面的節數或金額有沒有正確。 或是莫名其妙的罰單,也要即時處理掉。
7、做為小姐的發言人。 因酒店小姐長時間待在店裡的關係,有些問題她也不便多發言。 而經紀人就可以站在她的立場幫他發言,這樣酒店兼差小姐又不會得罪店家的人,也不會委屈到!
8、酒店經紀給予經驗指導。 沒有人天生下來就會做酒店的! 有時因現場很忙,人手不足就會直接讓女孩們上戰場。 所以酒店經紀在公關上班前就會先教導新人, 公關的基本職責跟應對方法讓新人能夠在短時間內進入狀況。
9、給予女孩們心理建設。 酒店工作公關的職業病就是越做會越空虛。 因為每天服務形形色色的客人,所須扮演的角色也因客人的不同而有改變。 因此常為了迎合壓抑自己的情緒,這時後酒店經紀就是公關抒發情緒的一個管道, 給予輔導、教育。 以下是我們梁曉尊專業酒店經紀公司的網站
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