Last week we aired the first ever C vs. A Radio Hour on G-Town Radio and if you missed it, we've got you covered with podcasts.
Today, listen to Chip Chantry talk with host Dave Walk about comedy at weddings, trying to play in bands, his new monthly live comedy show CHIP CHANTRY'S ONE-MAN SHOW W/ SPECIAL GUESTS and a lot more.
The first installment of his new show is TONIGHT at The Khyber with David James, Kent Haines, Secret Pants, Johnny Goodtimes and more performing.
Listen to this episode (24:37):
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Download this episode (as a .mp3)
And if you need even more Chip, check out an interview he did with NBCPhiladelphia.com.
Check back later this week for podcasts with Meg & Rob!
Good job Chip. You too Dave.
This was great! It was like sitting in on a diner conversation with Chip and Dave, which is to say that I loved it and it's probably un-listenable to people who aren't me.
As I said before, my only complaint is I wish it were longer.
Chip's a fast talker. He covers twice the hilarity, in the half the time, of slower chuckle hustlers.
Great post thannk you
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